Run Report ....
Museum of Fire, Penrith and the Wallacia Hotel for Lunch, 14 August 2022 ....
The group met at McDonalds M4 Westbound and departed right on time at 9:00am. It was a very easy and leisurely cruise down the motorway, and on arrival at the museum, we were greeted by other club members.
We soon headed inside to what was a great display of NSWFB appliances and vehicles and so much history. There was so much to see that we could easily have spent more time at the museum (another trip). By 11:15am we were on our way to our lunch destination at the Wallacia Hotel. Once we parked-up, we moved inside where we had a superb lunch. The food and service was truly great, and as always, the time went fast. Before departing for home, the essential group photo was taken, and by 1:30pm, we were enroute home.
Attendees: Rose, Harold, Lily, Pete, Gary, Kerry, Scott, Yvette, Bob, Norma, Rob (plus two), Clinton (plus one), Sue and me.
Apologies: Steve, Annie, Mark, Heather, Mike, Gabiriel, Ron, Robin, Heath, Robyn and Bruce.
Bob B.
run coordinator
Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....