Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....

Run Report ....

Cordeaux Dam for Lunch, 20th June 2021 ....

With forecast sombre and unpredicatble weather, members gathered at Leo's Diner for the lunch run to Cordeaux Dam.  By arrival at the destination, the weather had somewhat deteriorated with a combination of rain, wind and chilly conditions.  This, however, didn't dampen our enthusiasm or the spirit of the event.

Soon after arriving, the barbecues were fired-up and lunch was on the way.  As always, Mark was the master chef and in charge of the cooking, and what a splended job he did in such adverse, wintery conditions.

Like on all club runs, there was plenty of car and associated talk, but before long, Mark had the food ready and it was time to line-up for what was truly a great spread.  Following was a birthday celebration for Mark accompanied by a birhtday cake, and with all such celebrations, the singing of ‘Happy Birthday’ followed by ‘three cheers’, rang-out across the park.  There was no shortage of scrumptious deserts either, with plenty left to take home.

Despite the wintery conditions, this was another great run and well-supported.  I would like to thank everyone who attened, and to those who chipped-in on the day organising and helping-out.  "Many hands make light work" as the saying goes.  Such a great day amongst friends and Torana enthusiasts.

Attendees:   Steve, Annie, Mike, Rob, Leanne, Bob, Norma, Ron, Robin, Heath, Robyn, Gary, Kerrie, Jonh, Ivan, Mark, Heather, Jack, Rea, Pete and Bob.

Apologies:  Lance, Gabrielle, Greg, Rob, Rose, Harold, Lilly, Phil, Rod, Jeremy, Mathew H and Angie M.

Bob Byrnes.

Run Photographs.