Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....

Run Report ....

Mudgee (AGM), 10-12 March 2017 ....

Friday 10/03/17

The day started-off well with a meet-up at the Glenbrook Coffee Shop at 10:00hrs and at 10:30 we were underway.
Not too long into the journey however, one Torrie was M.I.A. it turned out to be Steve Hennessy, who's FORD diff had ceased to cooperate with proceedings. Steve urged us to continue whilst he organised a tow truck.

Running into Lithgow, we were joined by Joe and Cath along with Rob and Leanne then headed for the nose bag with the Farm View Café wisely selected for this, as the food and service were excellent. Arriving at the Soldiers Motel in Mudgee around 15:00hrs, we found Mike and Gabby with the trusty Pajero disporting empty places for boxes of wine to fill.

To the surprise of all, Steve and Annie arrived not long after in the Munro which brought on an immediate discussion about speed limits etc. Speaking of which, Greg and Lexa turned-up and we were told by Lexa of an 'interesting event' about their trip that she would disclose shortly. Well Lexa did tell us and the group 'dined-out' (as the saying goes) on that for the whole weekend. It was then time to rehydrate and solve the world's problems with the selection of venues for an evening meal also high on the agenda.

Saturday 11/03/17

Many of the group were off on a wine tour that morning with Terry, our driver, giving us a precursory talk on the proceedings, then collecting some very gregarious oenophiles who entertained us immensely during the whole event. The tour was very good and saw us back at the motel in time to graze and prepare for the 15:00hrs rendezvous with the AGM, to be held in a comfortable meeting room at the Soldiers Club.

The AGM was both lively and lengthy starting with the outgoing President's speech, followed by reports from the Treasurer/Membership Officer and the Runs 1 Coordinator. Newer members were especially welcomed to their first AGM.

The committee then stood-down, whereupon a club member chaired the meeting whilst the election of a new committee took place. Much business was subsequently discussed, keeping the Secretary busy noting the details of such.

Concluding at 18:00hrs, members were certainly looking for refreshment which was to be found for most within the Soldiers Club, along with the evening's sustenance.

Sunday 12/03/17

Time to head home, some earlier than others, as goodbyes were said and expressions of having had a good time conveyed by many as they headed to home-sweet-home. A few stayed on to further explore the delights of beautiful Mudgee.

A big thank you to all who attended the AGM.

Attendees: Steve and Annie, Rose and Harold, Julie and Mark, Greg and Lexa, Rob and Sharon, Gary and Kerrie, Mike and Gabrielle, Rob and Leanne, Scott and Leanne, Les and Liz, Joe and Cath, Mike and Denise, Phil and Bob.

Apologies: Lance, Mike V, Darrin, Corrinna, Ron, Frank, Peter M, Rod, Peter and Tash.

Bob Byrnes
Run Coordinator
