Run Report ....
Nattai National Park, 17 July 2016 ....
What a great turnout for the club's inaugural, annual BBQ run. A wet morning greeted our group as we met at Penrith Panthers Maccas, but as we departed the sun began to appear and the day just got better and better.
Following a nice drive through the beautiful Mulgoa valley we arrived at Warragamba Dam for a look-see. So we parked in the dam carpark and headed over to the dam museum to have a dam look. As always, the displays and facilities at Warragamba are excellent and the museum staff friendly and helpful. Mark, Heather and the kids headed of early to secure our BBQ spot and get the BBQ organised and were met there by Rose and Harold.
The remainder of our group finished the dam visit and made our way through The Oaks to Burragorang Lookout. We were met at the lookout by the smells of BBQ filling the carpark. Mark had the food almost ready to go so after a little bit more setup we were all tucking into a great lunch. Thanks to everyone who brought along the beautiful homemade salads and slices.
Following a very hearty lunch we all headed-up to enjoy the amazing views over Lake Burragorang and take the mandatory group photos before strolling back down for a cuppa and before long it was time to say goodbyes and head of home.
A hearty thanks to Mark for cooking lunch, top effort as always mate, and thanks to Heather, Rose and Harold and everyone for helping out to make this run the success that it was.
A relaxing and enjoyable day was had by all and thanks to everyone for attending. Look forward to seeing you all at the next run in August.
Attended: Les and Liz, Bob, Mike and Denise, Rob, Leanne and Breeanna, Pete and Angie, Gary and Kerrie, Ron and Robin , Mark, Heather, Ria and Jack, Rose and Harold, Ian and Amanda, Annie and Steve, and friends Scott and Deslie.
Apologies: Lance, Mike V, Joe and Cath, Corinna, Mike and Gabby, Pete and Tash.
Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....