Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....

Run Report ....

Cowra (AGM), 18/20 March 2016 ....

The starting points for attendees was varied, with the main group meeting up at the Wascoe Street Coffee Shop in Glenbrook. A quick cuppa preceeded a brief on the route to be taken and wheels were turning at about 10:30am

On our travel, we picked-up Joe and Cath at Faulconbridge after which, progress was impeded by heavy rain and substantial roadworks. The trip to Lithgow seemed sooo slow and there we were joined by Rob and Leanne.

Next destination was Bathurst for a bit of lunch at the information centre, a good spot but the service was slow and this added to our departure time, so we took a shortcut through the race track to expedite things a little. It continued to rain, sometimes quite heavy but by the time we arrived in Cowra, the rain had thankfully stopped.

Some of our club members were there to greet us:- Mike and Gabby who picked-up new member, Corrinna, hubby Grant and son Jarrod at Murrumbateman and then met-up with Rose and Harold at the Lachlan Valley Way turnoff.

With everyone booked-in and sniffing out a beer, the Vice President and Secretary set about securing refreshments and sustenance for the forthcoming 16:00 meeting, which, got underway on time. In short order, the Minutes from last year were read and accepted, office bearers elected, general business covered and the meeting was done and dusted by 17:15. Time for those refreshments!

Our dinner spot was the Cowra Services Club and what a busy place it was, glad we were early as the orders queue was substantial but we accepted the wait stoically, as the bar service was quite efficient. Within 30 minutes we had our meals, which were commendable and we out of there by 1930.

The party broke up into groups depending upon their need for sleep/alcohol/car-talk/TV. It had been a long day and sleep (eventually) came easy for most.

An early (08:30) start on Saturday saw us on our way to Forbes with McFeeters' Car Museum the destination. An hours drive later, sometimes a little spirited, we were pulling into the museum carpark and made our way inside, paid the (kindly concessional) entry fee and found our guide for the tour was Bill McFeeters, the museum's owner.

The official tour lasted for an hour or so with some of the group then spending more time admiring the fabulous exhibits whilst others hit the caffeine and looked around the well stocked gift shop.

With this done we headed down to the Forbes Showground that was conducting a camper van show and an adjacent small car show that we joined for an hour or so which was greatly appreciated by the host club, as we had more cars than they. Car-talk talk and bonnet lifting over, the worms were nibbling, so off to lunch at one of the local pubs we ventured. Again, the food was just fine but two member's orders did not turned up (Steve and Darrin), this was sorted and then a pleasant drive back to Cowra.

Returning to the motel, we sought refreshment, as you do, while watching our man Ricciardo do his best at the Australian F1 race.

The Imperial Hotel was our plan for the evening meal and wow!, what a busy spot, always a sign that the nosh is good and it was. The staff, who were two down for the night did a superhuman job and were very attentive. Well done there! Against the background of a robust Treasurer's report, the committee treated all to some drinks and dinner.

The very reasonable cost of our night at the Imperial was a pleasant surprise (especially to the Treasurer). Highly recommended! A nightcap and more car-talk ensued back at the motel.

Sunday morning, we packed-up, took some happy snaps of each other and turned the horse's head for home. Leaving the carpark by 08:45, most of the group went home by the Great Western Highway, some via Yass and others made a stop off at Carcoar.

On closing this report, the committee would like to say thanks to all who attended this great run.

Attendees: Liz, Les, Mike, Gabby, Corrina, Grant, Jarrod, Mike M, Greg, Lexa, Scott, Leanne, Rob, Leanne, Steve, Annie, Joe, Cath, Rose, Harold, Darrin and Bob.

Apologies: Mike V, Peter, Tash, Mark, Heather and Lance.

Bob Byrnes
Run Coordinator
