Run Report ....
Katoomba, 26 July 2015 ....
Liz and myself arrived at the meeting point at 9:40am to be greeted by Pete M. We headed for the coffee shop and were soon joined by Mike M. The next to arrive were Steve, Annie, Mark, Heather and their kids, Jack and Ria), Gary and Kerry. Soon after we headed-off for the run to The Hydro Majestic Hotel. This was a look-and-see as the hotel had only recently reopened. Rob and Leanne were there to meet us as well. Before we left here for our lunch spot we grabed some good happy snaps (on the web site) and we arrived back in Katoomba at the Carrington Hotel, parked-up and made our way into the bistro for lunch. After lunch, we headed down the street to the Paragon Chocolate Shop where we spent sometime. We then walked back to the carpark, said our goodbyes and all headed for home.
Attendies: Liz, Steve, Annie, Mark, Heather, Jack, Ria, Rob, Leanne, Peter, Mike M, Gary, Kerry and Bob.
Apologies: Les, Joe, Cath, Scott, Leanne, Rose, Harold and Micheal Vello.
Bob Byrnes
Run Coordinator
Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....