Run Report ....
Loftus Tram Museum, 28 June 2015 ....
The day commenced with everyone meeting at McDonalds, Liverpool. TI was a bit cold but the group were in good spirits. By 09:31am the group headed-off out onto the highway and soon were on the M5 Motorway.
Taking the Heathcote Road exit and then cruising along this road until reaching the Princess Highway. From there it was a 15 minute drive to the destination, arriving at 10:15am. The group was greeted by the guide who gave a brief history of the museum and the trams that were on display. After looking at the trams and electric buses it was time to head outside for a ride in a tram.
The trip took the group to Sutherland and back and into the national park. By this time the tour was over and it was time to start thinking about lunch, so we headed-off to the Heathcote Hotel where we were greeted by Scott and Leanne. The pub service was great. No sooner had the meals been ordered and they were served
What a great way to spend a Sunday. By 1:15pm it was goodbye time and everybody headed-off. As a footnote I would like to thank the staff at the museum for what was a truly great tour (all the staff do this as volunteers)
Attendees: Les and Liz, Rob and Leanne, Michael V, Scott and Leanne and Peter M and Bob.
Apologies: Steve and Annie, Steve and Tina, Rose and Harold, Mike and Gabby and Lance.
Bob Byrnes
Run Coordinator
Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....