Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....

Run Report ....

Port Macquarie (AGM), 20/21 March 2015 ....

Friday. I arrived at our starting point by 9:45am, soon Les and Liz arrived, followed by Rob and Leanne and Joe and Cath. A bit of a catch-up, coffee and it was time to leave. A quick call from Steve and Tina to let us know they would see the group on the way. Out of Macca’s onto Pennant Hills Road, in no time onto the motorway. We arrived at the pie shop at Heatherbrae and Steve and Tina pulled-in behind us. Lunch and a fuel stop done and we were on our way, non-stop, to Port Macquarie. The weather was HOT, I mean 35 deg, it's not much fun in a Torana at this temp (unless you have air con, Joe. The group made good time, we arrived in Port by 3:30pm. Lance met us, he had travelled down from Queensland, arriving early and had a nap. Soon Mike and Gaby were joining us as well.

Dinner was, 'what do what you like?', some had Thai, some did seafood, a few drinks and I was off to the land of mod.

Saturday. As they say 'what a difference a day makes'; we were greeted with grey skies and rain. This didn't stop us, we were the guests of Port Macquarie Antique and Classic Car Club (PMACCC). Ash, a member of PMACCC, met us at the motel, explained where we would be going. No sooner were we off and one of OUR members had trouble, Steve had broken a gear cable in his Torana. A few calls and two of the PMACCC members had returned and helped sort-out Steve's problem. It took a lot of effort and time to fix, but the group were back together by Cassagrain Winery stop. At this point I would like to thank, on behalf of the club and Steve, Greg and Graham (Commodore) who helped Steve and Tina and ran them around to find the parts needed to fix the Torana. We travelled to Tacking Point Lighthouse and onto Lake Cathie where Les and Liz met us (after visiting mum) and the ladies from PMACCC supplied home-made cakes and tea. A very big thank you to the ladies. We visited the North Brother look-out, what a shame the view was fog-bound, we had lunch at Kendall Sports Club and then onto Cassagrain Winery to make a few purchases.

Saturday Arvo. It's 4:30pm, AGM time. The meeting started, the current committee was re-elected, general business done, the meeting was closed by 5:30pm.

Dinner time, we headed-off to an Italian Restaurant just a few minutes walk from our motel. The service was a bit slow, but the waitress was very entertaining and the food well and truly worth waiting for.

Sunday. Steve and Tina were off early and the rest of us left after breakfast. Still raining but not cold, we were off around 9:15am, lunch at Heatherbrae and off down the M1.

I trust everyone arrived home safe.

Foot-note: Instead of a seven-hour trip it ended-up taking 10 hours for Lance to get home due to continuous heavy rain around the Gold Coast which resulted in minor road flooding and traffic bank-ups. Not a good trip back to the land of milk and honey.

Bob Byrnes
Run Coordinator
