Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....

Run Report ....

Gerroa, 28 July 2013 ...

The group met at Leo's Diner. By leaving time there were three Toranas and one Cruze. We headed-off down the motorway to the Picton Road then onto Mt Ousley Road and joined the Princess Highway. As always, plenty of lookers at the cars. The south coast is always a great place for a Sunday drive and lunch.

Turning to the club carpark we spotted Mike's car. Once we parked-up, done the meet-and-greet, we headed in to order lunch (this club is always packed on Sundays).

The club opens for lunch at 11:00am. Lunch was pretty much over by 1:00pm. We moved out into the carpark for a photo shoot, said our goodbyes and all headed for home.

Some of the group decided to take the Macquarie Pass Road home. It was a bit of fun with lots of mad bike riders. For some, double lines mean nothing.

Well another great run done and dusted.

Attendees: Les and Liz, Mike and Gabby, Scott and Leanne, Mike Muller and nephew Joshua, Bob.

Apologies: Rob and Leanne, Lance, Rose and Harold, Mike Velo, Peter Macken, Rob Shaw.
