Run Report ....
Orange (AGM), 22-24 March 2013 ....
Friday, the start of a great day and weekend away in Orange for our AGM. 9:40am met-up with Bob, Scott and Leanne on the M4. Slow steady trip up the mountains through road works to Lithgow where we met Rob and Leanne Farnsworth, then heading-off for our first stop at the Bathurst Information Centre for lunch, Rob and Leanne’s daughter, Kim and granddaughter met us, where we sat down for a nice each lunch break.
Heading off to Orange now in convoy Bob has lead us on a cruisy trip, only to be sprayed by fertilizer from a truck. A short stop at Vittoria to buy honey, then off to Orange.
Arriving at our motel about 2.00, parked, unpacked and then a short stroll down the road to purchase light refreshments for an afternoon chat session. Mike and Gaby, Steve and Tina, Mike and Denise and Rose and Harold arrived later in the afternoon. Pre arrangements were made for dinner at the restaurant at the motel for 0700. The meals were very gourmet and all looked good. Everyone returned to their rooms for a good night’s sleep for an adverturous next day.
Up early for breakfast, Bob and I discussed how quiet the rooms are. We then proceeded to get ready for a 9.00 AGM start in the president’s room. As members entered they were given a lucky door ticket. All present now under way as reports given for the year and election form read out by Tina for the committee, no new nominees, same committee for another year. Congratulations all. Rob Farnsworth was the winner of the lucky door prize.
AGM over at 0935, and Bob proceeded to give us the days plans. Fuel up first then head out to Canowindra Motor Garage, he had rung Charlie, to confirm our time of arrival. Driving out there are some great views and the country side is very green. On arrival Charlie and his daughter met us, we made a $5.00 contribution to enter the museum. What was there was amazing, as the garage had a long history as a Holden Dealership since 1959. Parts spread over the walls and floor, lots of cars, most of them still in working order, photos etc. Charlie proceeded to show us throught out the garage and down to the workshop area where most of the cars are stored, he has a FX215 black holden that Brock last drove, built number 49, in emaculate condition. Also an XUI, HD Premier, 186S Monaro and an old Chev and lots of other Holdens. Old motors stored inline, parts everywhere. The place looked like it hadn’t been worked for years as evidence of cobwebs on all the piles. There are still parts and books on the shelves behind the service counter. Amazing old stuff to be seen. Charlie showed us a DVD in the main show room area.
The ladies hit the shops and the guys stayed and watched, it was about Charles back when he was 74 driving the green XU1. Mike Holland has a copy of the DVD. He was interviewed by George Negus, ch9, 60mins. We presented Charlie with a club shirt as a thank you.
Lunch was next, some at the Pub, some the Swinging Bridge Winery and others hit the shops. Wine purchases were made, some just 1 bottle others a little more (they will remain namless).After lunch a photo shoot at the garage then back to Orange. Back at the motel nibbles were at 1600, everyone talking about a great day.
Dinner was at 1800, a nice stroll from the motel, we had a long table, so we could all swap stories about the day. Dinner was gourmet again, but they all got eaten, some even had desert. A slow walk back to the motel, some stopping for a night cap.
A suggestion was made that some of us might go to the swap meet in the morning at the showground. Steve and I headed off at 6. There we were looking around and Bob and Mike bumped into us. It was still dark, Steve was using is phone torch, the Bob showed us how his worked, great these phones, I had a torch, the sun was up at 7 and made it much easier to see what was on offer, the trash and the treasure and the throw outs. Steve and Bob made purchases.
Back at the motel about 8 and a hearty breakfast for me. Steve and Tina, Scott and Leanne left while we were eating. We headed over to fuel up before leaving in convoy, Bob, Les and Liz, Mike and Denise, Mike and Gaby, Rob and Leanne and Rose and Harold. We stayed together most of the way, straight through Bathurst, a bit eager to get home.
A Police Ford Territory passed us, kept us honest. We stopped at Valley Heights for fuel and arrived home about 12.30.
Another great AGM weekend away to enjoy members company, the food, sites of Orange and Canowindra and the motor museum.
Thanks to everyone for attending, hope you enjoyed the weekend as much as I did.
Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....