Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....

Run Report ....

Mooney Mooney, 17 June 2012 ....

Well, the day was perfect after all the rain the day before. We met at McDonalds, Thornleigh at 11:00am and by departure time there was a good group of members present. we headed-out of McDonalds and on our way travelling up the old Pacific Highway and experienced a most enjoyable drive up to Mooney.

The car park the venue was packed by the time we arrived, but we all managed to get a parking spot.

Two tables were needed for lunch and by the time lunch was served and finished, the afternoon was moving-on, so it was time to do the happy snaps and all head for home.

Attendees: Les, Liz, Rob, Leanne, Kimberley, Scott, Leanne, James. Natalie, Paul, Justin, Greg, Lexa, Michael, Lisa, Cody, Jet, Jasper and Bob.

Apologies: Danella, Bill, Mike Velo, The Squires, Steve, Tina, Mike, Gaby, Peter, Larry and Lance.

Run Leader.
