Run Report ....
Mooney Mooney, 17 June 2012 ....
Well, the day was perfect after all the rain the day before. We met at McDonalds, Thornleigh at 11:00am and by departure time there was a good group of members present. we headed-out of McDonalds and on our way travelling up the old Pacific Highway and experienced a most enjoyable drive up to Mooney.
The car park the venue was packed by the time we arrived, but we all managed to get a parking spot.
Two tables were needed for lunch and by the time lunch was served and finished, the afternoon was moving-on, so it was time to do the happy snaps and all head for home.
Attendees: Les, Liz, Rob, Leanne, Kimberley, Scott, Leanne, James. Natalie, Paul, Justin, Greg, Lexa, Michael, Lisa, Cody, Jet, Jasper and Bob.
Apologies: Danella, Bill, Mike Velo, The Squires, Steve, Tina, Mike, Gaby, Peter, Larry and Lance.
Run Leader.
Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....