Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....

Run Report ....

Cowra (AGM), 16-18 March, 2012 ....

Well what a great run. Les, Liz, Scott and Leanne met-up at the Glenbrook information car park. They headed-off to Lithgow and were joined by Rob and Leanne farnsworth. From here the group headed to Bathurst for lunch. Les and Liz made a detour and soon rejoined the rest of the group. The run to cowra was pretty good and they were soon in cowra. Upon arriving they were met by Mike and Gaby, Mike and Denise M, and Rose and Harold. This lot had been out to lunch. Soon it was time for the partaking of a refreshments. They were joined soon after by Steve and Tina. I was the last to arrive just in time for dinner. A short walk up the main street and we were at our dinner place, and yes, it was raining by this time.

Saturday morning and the AGM got under way at 9:00am. Once this was out of the way we headed-out on a run to Wyangla Dam, about 40km out of town. The dam had the spillway open, this was the first in 14 years it has opened. What a great sight see all this water spill over the dam wall. Plenty of pics taken of this.

We all headed back to the motel and lunch. The group were picked-up at 1:00pm by minibus and off on a four-hour winery tour. There were two other people on the bus already. They soon blend in with our group. On the way back from this we did a tour of the war graves (very good to see the graves so well looked after). Once we arrived back at the motel we all met at Mike and Gaby's room to watch the F1 practice.

Saturday night's dinner was at the Imperial Hotel. Don't be fooled by the hotel. The food and service was great. Everyone had a great time and it was soon time to head back to the motel and an early night.

Sunday morning and up early and pack-up for the trip home. The group said our good byes at the motel and we all headed for home.

Attendees: Steve and Tina, Mike and Denise, Mike and Gaby, Rob and Leanne, Scott and Leanne, Rose and Harold, Les and Liz, Bob.

Apologies: Shaun and Monica, Larry, Ian and Cindy, Lizzy and Family, Lance.

Bob and Les.
