Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....

Run Report ....

Toranafest Weekend, 17/18 September, 2011 ....

Well another Toranafest has come and gone, the group met at Maccas, Thornleigh and we headed north for an easy run to our accommodation. The group included Mike and Gabby, Steve and Tina, Les and Liz and Run Leader Bob. At the Sir Francis Drake, we were met by Lance who travelled down from Queensland on Friday, followed by Rob Farnsworth with daughters Kimmy and Natasha and kids, and Scott with his goodluck charm - Greg!

Steve and Tina along with Rob Shaw stayed at Motto Farm Motel a few doors up.

After greetings, it was car wash time during which time Rose and Amanda arrived following that a bit of rehydrating was in order before heading out into the bright lights of Raymond Terrace for dinner at the Junction Hotel which conjured up some pretty good grub.

Up bright and early Sunday morning with an 0800 hours start for Toranafest on the beautiful Newcastle foreshore, we were met at the show by Micheal Velo and Rob Shaw who displayed his two hatches!

Not all who embarked on the trip to Toranafest were successful however, with Scott and his goodluck charm taking a great time to examine the surroundings of the Hexham Bridge whilst awaiting the ministrations of the NRMA!

During the set-up at Toranafest, Mike Muller and Paul Gilmore arrived and that gave us a total of 11 club cars and a guest car (Susan and Rick Bond's pink rocket). Not a bad roll-up for any club and as a percentage of membership - just brilliant!

Plenty of interest was shown in the diverse range of cars the club displayed and in the club in general. Despite which, there were again, no trophy winners in the club this year. Rob Farnsworth did however, win our poster draw!

The day went very quickly and in short order, we were packing up for some to head home and others to repair to our digs for some more rehydrating and another nosebag at the Junction Hotel. The Canberra Torana Club members also ate there and the usual repartee prevailed!

The committe thanks all those members who attended and visited on the day. With over 270 cars appearing on the day, it is definitely a notable Torana event and a credit to the HVTC as organisers.

A special thanks too, to Bob Byrnes who worked tirelessly (and dealt with some very ordinary accommodation providers) to make Toranafest a great weekend for participating members!

Attendees: Mike and Gabby, Liz and Les, Steve and Tina, Mike Velo, Mike, Denise and Gemma, Rob Shaw, Rob Farnsworth, Kimmy, Natasha and Kinder, Paul Giilmore, Rose and Amanda, Bob, Lance, Scott and Greg (aka Capt.Jinx).

Guests: Sue and Rick Bond.

Club Visitors: Joe and Cath.

