Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....

Run Report ....

Toranafest, 18/19 September, 2010 ....

The gathering of the faithful was an epic Torana event again this year. A credit to the Hunter Valley Torana Club for their efforts. The NSW Torana Club was there in force and punching above its weight, showing 12 cars (10 members and two guests).

It all started well with a meet for meat at Maccas Thornleigh around 1300hrs, having just fed our charges with some delicious BP Ultimate. Filling their faces at this frenetic establishment were run leader Byrnesy, Fitzy and mate Pete, Rob and Kimmy, Les and Lizard, Mike and Gab, observers were Mike and Denise.

The next challenge for the intrepid group was to negotiate out onto Pennant Hills Road which reminds one how good it is to part with a few $$ and use a smooth toll road. According to your reporter's 34 year-old suspension, PH Road is rubbish!

An easy run up the M3 saw us arrive in Raymond Terrace around 1600hrs and get stuck into car cleaning and partake of refreshments kindly supplied by El Presidente and Madame Secretary. Thank you for that! It was at this stage that Fitzy announced that he had left most things at home, particularly his wallet. This transformed 'maaaate' Pete, from mechanic to financier.

Later, Rob Shaw and son Dean turned-up with his Red Hatch on a trailer (towed by a FORD) to perhaps claim the title of our first 'Trailer Queen'. Rob's mate Steve Lacey and partner Bronwyn arrived to swell the ranks also. In short order, the common sight of Shifty Shaw and Hawker Holland trading parts, was observed.

The evenings 'BBQ' was not lacking in quantity and many participants took up the challenge of cutting the world's toughest steak with the world's flimsiest knives. Sucessful, determined carnivores enjoyed tasty, lean beef, more timid souls settled for rissoles.

Following nosebag time, there was plenty to keep Torana enthusiasts entertained. The indefatigueable Des West and the lovely Bev Brock were amongst the Torana luminaries to speak. All these good folk reminded us of the unique legend that is 'Torana'. An auction of memorabilia and parts'n'stuff raised good money for charity on the night.

Sleep deprived members tell me that the Queensland Torana Club won the 'Best Party-ers' gong for the night.

Next morning the soothing rumble of scores of V8's and hot Sixes indicated this was the day! The drive to the beautiful Newcastle foreshore was uneventful for most but it seems some drivers fell foul of the law with respect to their car mods. A perusal of the article on page 14 of September Street Machine magazine may prompt individuals to take some action (as your humble scribe has done).

Joining us at the show were Mike Velo, Joe Moellers (note - nice LH for sale), Rose Scheibel, Paul and Justin Gilmore and guest Sue in her pink Torrie. There is no doubt Toranafest is a well-organised and run show in a most delightful setting. An overcast day, cool breezes and grass underfoot makes a comfortable event. We were lucky enough to find our allocated spots included a colouful, well displayed 'ring-in' and meeting new folk is what it's all about.

Rose was seen looking for a heavy blunt instrument when announcer, Todd Martin, described her special Cadbury Purple Torrie as 'Plumdinger'.

Over 270 Torries answered the roll call and the quality of entrants was electrifying. The subsequent presentations, which unfortuneatly excluded NSWTC entrants, highlighted the dramatically elevated standard of Toranas on show.

An interesting feature of the day was the appearance of Dr Michael Camberlain and his (in)famous Torana (Rego '4ENSIC') which is destined for a museum. It is rumoured that one member proposed asking for his jumpsuit to be signed! Good 'ol, dry Aussie humour; nothing is sacred! A truly good day was had by all, especially those cunning enough to duck off to the 'Paymasters' restaurant for the best lunch in town and enjoy the opportunity for bleeding eardrums to repair themselves.

Back at 'Toranaville' motel, a committee meeting was convened over refreshments and with business done, our thoughts again turned to food, in this instance, a Sunday roast. Vegetarians need not apply. The quickest of the hunters and gatherers ate well and then back to the 'Presidential' Suite to top-up the alcohol level, courtesy of Fitzy, Shifty Shaw, Lance and Byrnesy. At the same time, watching the Moto GP races, with our Casey doing the business - Pole to chequered flag!, that made the perfect end to a first rate motor-day!

Ever mindful that sobriety, in moderation, is quite acceptable these days, there was actually a bottle of alcohol not finished.

Monday morning sees colourful Torries heading down the beloved M3 to battle with the denizens of the 'Evil Metropolis' for a bit of road space. Our pit stops, see-sawing with the Canberra Club Torries, must have brightened the day for some of the legions of grey-commuter car occupants.

Importantly, the whole Toranafest event results in contributions to the Ronald McDonald House charity. Something to bring to the attention of a greenie next time they get up you for having a V8 or two.

And lastly but by no means leastly, a great vote of thanks to Mr Robert (Big Bad Bob) Byrnes for his untiring efforts to ensure that attending club members had the best experience at Toranafest. Goodonya mate, well done.

Attending: Mike and Denise Muller, Rob and Kim Farnsworth, Ian Fitzgerald and Peter Donnelly, Elizabeth Best and Les Wilson, Rose ScheibelLance Haselwood (with the Qld Torana club), Michael Velo, Joe Moellers, Ron and Dean Shaw, Bob Byrnes, Paul and Justin Gilmore, Mike and Gabby Holland, Guests, Steve Lacey and partner Bronwyn, Guests, Rick and Sue.

Apologies: Larry Sullivan, Scott and Leanne Davidson, Leanne Farnsworth, John Boller, Mick and Lisa Aldridge.

