Run Report ....
Toranafest, 19/20 September 2009 ....
The group met at, had lunch and departed at 1:00pm. Very uneventful trip up the freeway and we arrived at Motto Farm Motel at 2:30pm. Our greeting party was there to meet us (namely Lance), cold drink in hand for the group. The cars were then washed and cleaned and it was time for a quite drink or two.
The afternoon went by and it was soon time for dinner. This was followed by a welcome speech by Mick McCardle from the Hunter Valley Torana Club.
Everyone was up early and departed to Newcastle foreshore although a slight delay occurred with Rob Farnsworth’s door keys refusing to unlock his car. Luckily John Boller put his misspent youth to gain-full use and broke into the gold beast.
After settling into the parking spaces at Toranafest, everyone relaxed until presentation time. Lance had brought long his motorcycle camper-trailer which was a source of fascination and this and several pergolas were erected for shelter. The presentation was fairly early and dealt with quickly. Club members who won two(2) trophies were:
Bob Byrnes - Best LH In Show.
Mike Holland - Runner up Best LX In Show.
This caused an exodus back to the motel to celebrate which was achieved with much gusto.
Monday breakfast was eaten and away home with large number of cars having long distances to cover of which our own Lance was one towing his trailer. In total 246 Toranas were entered.
Attendees overnight: Bob Byrnes, Ian Fitzgerald, Rob and Kim Farnsworth, Joe and Kath Moellers, Lance Haslewood, Mike Holland, John Boller, Scott Davidson, Larry Sullivan.
Attendees on day: Les Wilson and Elizabeth, Rob Shaw, Michael and Denise Muller, Michael Velo, Phil Taylor.
Bob and Larry.
Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....