Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....

Run Report ....

Warragamba Dam, 28 June, 2009 ....

The day started-off a bit overcast but by the time everyone arrived at the start point the sun had made an appearance and after a brief talk about the day's run, it was time to leave. With seven Toranas and one Audi we were on our way to Camden with only one stop to regroup.

Through the Camden town centre and then onto The Oaks Road (you would think some people had never seen a straight road before. No names will be mentioned). This section of road is just great to drive as is the section of road between The Oakes and the dam. Rob shaw caught up to the group just before The Oaks. Once we reached the dam lookout it was time to stretch the legs, do the photo thing for 30 minutes, then back into the cars and onto our lunch destination. As always the food and service was great.

Those who attended were: Scott and Leanne, Mike Muller, Joe and Cath, Larry (aka the stick), Andrew, Joe, Andrew, Rob, Leanne, Kimmy and Breanna, Ian and CindyBob, B, Rob and Liam.

Apologies: Mike Holland, Paul Gilmore, Lance Haslewood, John Boller, Dean Byrnes, Les and Elizabeth.

