Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....

Run Report ....

Wisemans Ferry, 24 May 2009 ....

The day started with sunshine at our meeting point (at Macca’s McGrath Hill) which surprised all with the lead-up weather. The group departed right on time at 10:00am through Windsor and over the bridge past the turf farms to arrive at the Sackville Ferry. No problems as everyone alighted without incident. The ferry holds only nine cars and we needed a second trip for the tailender. Uneventfull trip as we passed the MG club going in the opposite direction. Turned left at Maroota and stopped at Hawkins lookout for a photo shoot.

Down the hill to Wisemans ferry where parking was achieved although parking is not the hotel’s strong point. Service was excellent with a large table being set up and when the food was ordered it arrived promptly and was very good. Paul and Justine came from the central coast and crossed the ferry to meet us there.

After lunch we departed and headed for home through Dural and Castle Hill. This was a short run (getting close to Winter) and we were all home by 2:30pm – 3:00pm.

Present: Les and Elisabeth, Bob Byrnes, Scott and Leanne Davidson, Tash and Shawn Hews, Michael Muller, Mike, Lisa and Cody Aldridge, Rob Shaw with Dean, Rory and Liam, Steve, Jack and Bronwyn Lacey, Paul and Justine Gilmore, Rob and Leanne Farnsworth, Larry Sullivan.

Apologies: Lance Haslewood, Dean Byrnes, Ian and Cindi, James and Natalie, Joe, Mike Holland.

