Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....

Run Report ....

Mc Happy Day, McGraths Hill, 18 November 2006 ....

Full marks to the Sydney Torana Club for a highly successful charity display day, namely McHappy Day at McGraths Hill McDonalds.

The NSWTC’s day started-off at Northmead McDonalds where members began to gather. After a quick cup of coffee and a bit of a chit chat and with the Torries of Bob Byrnes, Ian Williams, John Morrison, Steve Wallace, Reno Emanuele, Mick Aldridge and some old white thing driven by the President and accompanied by the Secretary, our illustrious Run Leader plotted a course to McGraths Hill. An uneventful run out to McGraths Hill, where we picked-up Rob Farnsworth on the way, ensured that we reached our destination at the allotted time.

Upon arrival, an effervescent Les Wilson with his three little Torries greeted us. Les’ marathon day started as follows:

  • Hook-p one Torrie on a trailer and drive from Cowan to McGraths Hill with son Graham driving another Torrie and drop one Torrie.
  • Retrace steps to Cowan for the return trip with another Torrie.

Strewth some blokes are keen! Not to mention the whole experience to be undertaken in reverse again at the end of the day.

A quick set-up of the Torries to be displayed with our friends at the STC followed, giddays were said and introductions made before the President noticed a familiar face in a very unfamiliar Chrome Yellow Torrie. It was our new member, Rick Longdon, who must have the best relationship that we know of with a mechanic, as Rick’s Torrie was off the road, his mechanic said, “Hey, take mine!”. LH5000, quad webers, air and power steer. If we all could have a mechanic like Rick’s?

The day consisted of the usual car show kind of stuff, namely answering questions like, “How fast does she go mate?”, “How mucha did she a costa mate?”

At approximately 1:30pm the formal side-of-things commenced with the auction being held with our very own Bob Byrnes auctioneering the event. It’s good to know Ronald McDonald House will benefit from the fierce bidding that ensued. Well done to those who showed their generosity and thanks to Bob for his excellent auctioneering prowess.

Next was the raffle and anyone who bought a raffle ticket from Lexa seemed to win! Let’s hope the ICAC doesn’t have a second look?

The serious side was then attended to, namely the trophy presentation. The NSWTC did itself proud again with a total of five trophies as follows:

  • Les Wilson – Best Overall LC.
  • Rob Farnsworth – Best Overall UC.
  • Ian Williams – Best Overall LX and Best Overall Torana.
  • Greg Hawkins – Best Overall Sedan.

Congratulations to those who scored a gong and a big thank you must go to all of the members who supported this very worthwhile cause. I think everybody would agree that charity days like this certainly are worth the effort of giving the old girls a wash, a splash of fuel and a bit of sunburn!

The NSWTC would like to thank the STC for their very kind invitation to participate in this day. The smooth running of the day and the social interaction ensured all had a great day.

NSWTC Members who participated with their Torries: Bob Byrnes, Michael Aldridge, Steve Wallace, Ian Williams, John Morrison, Greg and Lexa Hawkins, Les Wilson, Rick Longdon, Reno Emanuele and Rob Farnsworth.

NSWTC Members who showed their support on the day: Larry (where the bloody hell is the Papaya Torrie) Sullivan, Lisa Kelly, Mark and Michelle Warren and Scott Davidson.

Others who supported NSWTC members on the day: Les’s son, Graham, Rob’s daughter, Kimberley, Steve’s friend, Kath, Ian’s son, Aaron and his girlfriend.
