Run Report ....
Catherine Hill Bay, 25 June 2006 ....
We had a pictur-perfect day for our run to Catherine Hill Bay. Members started arriving early at Mt Colah McDonalds. Michael Velo joined us for a quick cup of coffee, but unfortunately was not able to join us on the run due to a family wedding; maybe next time Michael?
We had 10 Torries to start our run with Larry joining us in his brand new Audi while awaiting completion of his Torry restoration (we should see Larry’s Torry at the EH Anniversary Car Show in August). John and Anne, plus Steve were there with their recent Torry purchases, which were duly admired by other Club members. John and Anne are the proud new owners of a green LX Hatchback, and John has now realised what he’s been missing out on driving a six cylinder instead of an eight. Steve has bought a black/plum look-alike SL/R 5000, or so he thought, until much to Steve’s surprise, Mick picked-up from the compliance plate that it was, in fact, an original SL/R 5000 and made Steve’s day!
Dean was there in his dad’s Chamois Torry (Dean’s Torry is too loud to drive long distances!) with his friend, Jason; Les, who now has three Torries to choose from, was there in his beloved purple LJ (Les has promised to bring the gold one to Berrima in July and his blue one to All Holden Day in August); Ian, who was joined by his son, Nathan was in his red LX ‘2 Tough’ (we hear Mary is not too well at the moment and send her wishes to, 'Get well soon Mary'); Mick was in his green LH 5000 minus Lisa who was busy with family stuff today; Bob was in his original Barbados Green L34; Greg and Lexa were in their black/white LH SL/R 5000.
Two new members (who joined as members on the day), Darren Fox and Reno Emanuele, came along. Darren recently purchased Steve’s previous Torry, the green LJ and Reno was in his original silver LH 5000. Welcome Darren and Reno!
We left 10 minutes earlier than the proposed departure time of 10.30 a.m. to make sure we arrived at our destination before 12.00 noon to secure good parking.
We headed-off up the Pacific Highway and encountered a Mini Moke Club (four cars in total) as we turned-off onto the Old Pacific Highway. Some of our group became caught-up with the Mini Mokes, but were soon passed them and enjoying the twists and turns of a great piece of road. Dean was driving Bob’s Chamois Torry and I don’t think either of them has had as much fun for a long time! Members had been warned about motorbikes, but there weren’t too many at this time of day on the road. However, we did end up behind a group of motorbikes as they pulled out of the Road Warrior Café and wouldn’t you know it, they were the most sedate bunch of motorbike riders we’ve ever encountered on this road (what they were doing at a café called Road Warriors, we don’t know)! Luckily for us they pulled over not too far ahead and we were on our way again.
All too soon we reached the end of our run on the Old Pacific Highway, regrouped at Somersby and headed onto the F3 Freeway. There was a fair amount of traffic on the Freeway, but we all remained within sight of each other and regrouped again once we turned off the Freeway back onto the Pacific Highway for the remainder of our journey to Catherine Hill Bay. Whilst passing the Twin Servos at Warnervale on the Freeway, we were joined by Paul Gilmore from the Central Coast in his blue SS Hatchback. Paul has now joined the Club as a full member – welcome on board Paul!
We arrived at the Wallarah Pub in Catherine Hill Bay just before 12.00 noon and as luck had it, there was plenty of street parking available. Our table was ready and waiting for us in the Catho Pub Bistro and we all must have been pretty hungry because there was no hesitation in ordering lunch, except for Reno who enjoyed a flutter on the pokies. This was just as well, because no sooner had we arrived than a whole bunch of bikers turned-up taking-up the remainder of parking on the street and joining the end of the queue to order their lunch.
Unfortunately, lunches were delivered spasmodically with such a large order to fulfil, but we were soon all feeling satisfied, especially Les and Nathan who ordered entrees and main meals!
Following lunch we started to congregate out the front of the pub with some of the bikers taking an interest in our Torries – a bit of a turn-up for the books (quite intrigued by the different induction systems of Ian and Greg’s Torries)! Lexa and Steve busied themselves with Club business, while our President, Greg presented a Club Certificate of appreciation to our pub host, Bill – thanks for looking after us Bill; we’ll be back!
We headed-off to the Catherine Hill Bay Beach Car Park for some photo opportunities, and for our designated Club photographer, Mick, to take some photos of our new members’ cars for the website.
After a thank you from President, Greg, followed with an update on future runs, it was time to hit the road to the dispersal point at the Twin Servos on the Freeway at Warnervale. It was a stress-free drive to Warnervale, and once those who needed to refuel their Torries had done so, it was time to head for home.
It was a beautiful day, with a great drive, a bunch of great Torries and great company to a great venue and trust that everyone enjoyed the day. Thank you all for contributing to make this a run to remember.
Run Participants: Bob Byrnes, Darren Fox, Dean Byrnes and Jason, Greg and Lexa Hawkins, Ian and Nathan Williams, John and Anne Morrison, Larry Sullivan, Les Wilson, Mick Aldridge. Paul Gilmore. Reno Emanuele and Steve Wallace
Great Cars, Great Runs, Great People, Great Times ....